
Kind Humans Rescued a Cat Tangled in Fence. You Have To See This …

Kind Humans Rescued a Cat Tangled in Fence. You Have To See This ..
Written by vlatkopets

Kind Humans Rescued a Cat Tangled in Fence. You Have To See This ..

Poor kitty was trying to find some food outside and unfortunately was tangled in some net. This guy and his son are visiting the old grandfather`s house two or three times per month to check is everything is all right. However, this time was different.

While they were walking around the property, he noticed some noises.  They were  following the source of the sound and were shocked when they noticed a cat tangled in the fence. This fence is all around the property to protect the property from wild boars.

Kind Humans Rescued a Cat Tangled in Fence. You Have To See This ..

Without the fence wild boars entered the property and make a real mess. When they first found the poor kitty she was very hungry and thirsty. Son immediately went to the neighbor  to take a food and water for the kitty.

The kitty at first was denying the food, but after some moments she began eating. In that moment they were so happy and laughing because the cat finally began eating. After she was done with eating they began rescuing her. You can see the happiness on her face.

With the scissors, slowly step by step, they began cutting the net. But, the poor kitty was very tangled. We don`t know for how many days she was stuck in the fence, without water and food. She was meowing all the time.

After some time, they finally succeed to released the kitty. She was now free and safe.  The kitty was so happy after she was rescued.  Luckily this rescue operation was successful. The kitty was very lucky to be found by this kind family. We are so happy for this kitty.

WATCH the kind humans rescued cat tangled in fence VIDEO:

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