
Stray Cat Gave Birth In This Man’s House!

Stray Cat Gave Birth In This Man’s House!
Written by vlatkopets

One person in Athens, Greece was surprised to find a cat (who he had been feeding for some time) leave an exclusive surprise on his sofa! “The cat came into my home secretly a few times in the last several weeks, while I was asleep or away and had forgotten to close the window.

I would see small marks here and there and thought she was looking for warmth and food. I once caught her napping in a corner of the sofa and when she saw me, the feline immediately ran out the window,” Giorgos Cheliotis said. He fed the kitten, but she still kept her distance. One week ago she came in while he was at home, and took a nap in the corner of his sofa. He left the window open, thinking she would leave while he was gone.

“When I returned home, she was still there. I was very tired from work, so immediately went to sleep and the following morning I woke up to find her still on the same spot! Curious, I went to check why she hadn’t moved all that time, and found her with three tiny kitties!” He is now fostering the cat and kitties  until they find their permanent home. Share this on Facebook!




source:  Reddit / Lovemeow

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