
7 Facts You Probably Not Realize About Your Kitty

7 Facts You Probably Not Realize About Your Kitty
Written by vlatkopets

This video is really helpful. Maybe, we think that understand our cats, but sometimes they want to tell us something that we don`t understand. We hope this video will help you to understand your kitties better.

The first fact is real. If you had a very stressful day and your heart is beating very fast your cat probably realized that. They will come over it, lie on your chest, and start purring to your heartbeat. After some time its purring will slow down and your heartbeat will slow down too.

This shows that cats are very smart and care about us. You will love this cute and helpful compilation. Cats are the best. That`s why we love them so much and they love us too.

Please SHARE these 7 facts about your cat with your friends on Facebook.

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