
Mom Cat And Her Kittens Were Thrown Out Of Speeding Car, Luckily They Were Rescued And Then..

Mom Cat And Her Kittens Was Thrown Out Of Speeding Car, Luckily They Were Rescued And Then..
Written by vlatkopets

When this rescue department got an alarming call they couldn`t believe their eyes. The human on the phone told them that she witnessed the shocking situation. Mom cat and her 2 kittens were thrown out of a car window.

The car then disappeared. The woman decided to pick them up and bring them to her house. They she called  Michigan Human Society . They immediately arrived at her home. How can someone be so cruel to throw these poor animals out of a window of speeding car ?

Luckily, they weren`t badly injured. The vet gave them needed medicine and vaccines. They are now all adopted and living a happy and safe life in their new homes. This story has a happy ending.

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