
This Frightened Kitty Was Stuck On Tree For Long 3 Days… But Then This Man Risked His Life To…

This Frightened Kitty Was Stuck On Tree For Long 3 Days... But Then This Man Risked His Life To...
Written by vlatkopets

This domestic cat is 15 years old. He was playing outside when he was chased by stray dog. He climbed high on this tree, but was too afraid to climbed down. The poor buddy stayed there for long 3 days. They were calling him, but without results.

He was refusing to went down. However, they had to call the professionals to rescue him. There was no other option for this cat to be rescued. He was never scared of heights, but this time he was frightened. Probably, he was afraid of the dog…

This is the reason why you should keep your cat inside. Well, if you have backyard with high fence and are watching on your had, then it`s alright . You can also made them special places with fences from all sides. This frightened kitty was so grateful for being rescued.

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