
Human Build Special Ramp For His 20 Year Old Cat So She Can Still Climb On Bed

Human Build Special Ramp For His 20 Year Old Cat So She Can Still Climb On Bed
Written by vlatkopets

Human Build Special Ramp For His 20 Year Old Cat So She Can Still Climb On Bed

Cats and human can be forever friends. No matter if they are getting really old, they are friends till the end. This kind human adopt this cute kitty since she was only few weeks old. And after 20 years they are still inseparable.

20 years a long period of time to show love for your friend. They made a very strong bond. They just can`t start their day without cuddling and playing together. The kitty is following his human everywhere. They are together in every place in the house.

Human Build Special Ramp For His 20 Year Old Cat So She Can Still Climb On Bed

They are enjoying their meal time together. She is waiting him patiently to come from work. And when he came from work they are playing. And then the cat climbs on his lap and they are just relaxing. She is napping while his human is watching TV.

But, when they started getting old they their relationship became even stronger. They need each other more than ever. You know that friends are for that, not just in good, but also need each other in bad.

As the kitty was getting old she wasn`t able to do her daily routines. And she used to sleep on the bed with her owner. That was their best time. They were sleeping together for 20 years. But, now the old cat couldn`t jump and climb on the bed.

So, the human decided to solve this issue. He was thinking how to make it easy for his kitty climb the bed. And he decided to make a special ramp directly to the bed. He was skeptical how everything will end. But, his kitty began using the ramp to the bed. And it was very successful ! They are so happy together !

WATCH human built ramp for his 20 year old cat VIDEO:

My dad built a ramp so our 20 year old cat can still get into the bed.

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