
This Kitty Runs To Bathroom When She Heard ” Bath Time Now “. Incredible !

This Kitty Runs To Bathroom When She Heard " Bath Time Now ". Incredible !
Written by vlatkopets

This Kitty Runs To Bathroom When She Heard ” Bath Time Now “. Incredible !

Cats and water. Some can say they are forever enemies. Yes, it`s clearly that 99 % of the cats hate water. They don`t even want to think on that scare thing. It looks like they are allergic to the word water. haha 🙂

They usually run away when they heard about that. And you can`t find them around the house. They immediately hide somewhere. You know the struggle when you have to bathe your dirty cat. Especially, when if you let her play outside, and she came back with some oil spots and dirt.

This Kitty Runs To Bathroom When She Heard " Bath Time Now ". Incredible !

Yes, we know that they are self-cleaning animals and don`t need a bath. But, sometimes for own good you have to bathe them.

But, we can say one thing. Not all cats are the same. Some are friendly and want to cuddle , other will scratch you , just if you look at them. So, it`s the same for bathing time. However, in this case , the number of cats who love water and bathing time is very small.

One in million would like water. In this video we probably found that one kitty 🙂 But, this kitty not just likes the water, but she really loves and enjoying the bath time. Incredible video. She was so happy when she heard her owner saying that magical words ” It`s a Bath Time ” .

She was relaxing, but when she heard that , she instantly jumped and run straight to the bathroom. Just look how cute are they. They are having a bath together. She even jumped in the empty bathtub and was waiting for the water.

WATCH this kitty runs to a bathroom VIDEO:

お風呂に入るとわかった時の猫の反応とお風呂タイム- Cat “Yeah! Today is Bath time day!” –

お風呂とわかって飛んで来るのはたぶんうちの子ぐらい。 こんな調子なのできっと、毎日でも入ると思う。 んま、むーの事だし!?と、チャンネル視聴いただいている方には想像通りの動画かも!? 最初1分がタイトルシーンでこの日はシャワーシャンプーのみ、 そこからは同月別日撮りのお風呂シーンとなっております。 Cat(Moo) Loves bath time! Moo runs to bath room when she notice “bath time now!” video:Jul.2016 facebook: twitter: instagram: 猫名”むー” : Cat name is “Moo” Youtube channel : Sub channel: “むー”の再生リスト : “Moo”s movie List

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