
Tired Cat Lost At Dangerous Sea, Rescued By Boat Team

Tired Cat Lost At Dangerous Sea, Rescued By Boat Team
Written by vlatkopets

Boat Team called Golden Horn was mobilized to rescue the poor trapped cat in the middle of the sea. Marine cleaning crew was doing their job when they got a call that there is a the cat desperately swimming in the sea. The cat was easy target  and about to be assaulted by a seagull was saved as a result of a really long struggle. This rescue operation was caught with cell phone camera.


This team is cleaning the surface of the sea, and the boat that rescue the cat was very new and just started its job in the same day when the cat is rescued. The crew was cleaning the surface of the sea from garbage when they noticed the poor cat in the middle of the.


The cat was struggling to stay over the water. The police open the investigation to find out if the cat felt in the sea and was very tired or someone threw her in the dangerous cold waters. When the crew noticed the cat , there were a lot of seagulls in the sky over the kitty. The feline was an easy target.

They tried to catch the cat with cleaning bucket; but she was scared and in panic, so they had a really hard work to save her. So, the crew understands that cat can can`t be rescued in this way. They decided to use ‘conveyor belt’,  a running mechanism which is used to remove solid waste and the rescue operation was successful.

She managed to climb on the boat.  Rescued cat’s is doing very well and her health is in perfect condition. She will be recovered fully from the trauma and stress.

She is so lucky to be rescued. That was her lucky day. Maybe she was afraid of the crew, but she is so grateful to be rescued.

Watch the Cat Rescue Operation VIDEO:

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