
What This Cat Did When She Noticed A Mole Is Really Unexpected . LOL. HILARIOUS !

What This Cat Did When She Noticed A Mole Is Really Unexpected . LOL. HILARIOUS !
Written by vlatkopets

What This Cat Did When She Noticed A Mole Is Really Unexpected . LOL. HILARIOUS !

Cats can be very strange creatures ( sometimes 🙂 ). They usually make friends with other species and play with them. We can see videos where they even play together with mice.

It was a sunny day and this cat went outside in the garden to enjoy the nice and warm weather. This kitty is really playful and hates sitting inside the home. She would stay all day long outside.

She is playing in the backyard and often find some new buddies, no matter what species are they. Neighbor dogs, other cats, rabbits are her common friends.

But, not this time. This day was some kind of special for her. When she went outside she thought it will be the same as usual. However, this is far from true.

At first she was running in the garden, when she noticed something strange on the ground. Over the grass was something unusual. She realized that some strange creature was coming  out of the ground. When her human noticed that immediately took the camera to caught this new friendship on the video.

She wasn`t expecting what happens next. She taught it will be cute moment , when her cat making friends with that strange creature – a mole. Well , what she caught on camera was even more interesting.

The cat immediately rushed to see that new backyard creature. But, what she did next was simply hilarious. She was digging for some time, and after that when she spotted the mole, she began acting very strange.

The most funniest and interesting  moment is at 15 seconds of the video. I never ever imagined she would do that. She began pooping over the hole with mole in it. What ??? HAHA it made me laugh a lot. Watch the video for yourself.

WATCH The Cat pooping on Mole Video:

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