
Soldier Saying The Last Goodbye To The Kitten Who Saved His Life….

Soldier Saying The Last Goodbye To The Kitten Who Saved His Life....
Written by vlatkopets

This is heartbreaking, but also a heartwarming a story of a soldier and stray kitten who saved his life. Life can be very difficult sometimes.  This man went to a mission in Baghdad, Iraq. He was spending days waiting to come back home.

One day there was mortar attack. The bomb exploded 10 feet from him. He suffered brain injured and developed post-traumatic stress disorder. He came back to his country.  His life was not normal again.

He was thinking of suicide and went to smoke his last cigarette. While he was sitting on the bench he heard meowing. Little stray kitten, approached to him. They became best friends. He was visiting the bench every day to play with that kitten.

One day, the kitten didn`t appeared. He was looking everywhere, but without results. Few months later, he was walking with his girlfriend near shelter. All of sudden, black little paw showed through the cage. It was the kitten.

He immediately adopted him. They were living happily until, one day the kitten was not feeling good. Unfortunately, on the way to vet he passed away. He had leukemia. This kitty saved his life. This story is dedicated to him! This soldier saying last goodbye..

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