This dog was adopted from local shelter less than month ago. His owner wanted to teach him some important tricks. One of the most crucial trick is to stay safe. Maybe, we are not aware about the danger around us.
There are a lot of bad people outside. So, this man decided to teach his dog in this life saving trick. He goes to places with many strangers. He left his dog outside to practice him to ignore distractions while he is near and keeps an eye on him.
This video has an important message. While we are visiting stores we are not aware of what could happen to our dogs. Stores don`t allow dogs inside, so you are forced to leave them outside. But, some evil man could distract your dog, give him some treat, and took with him…
This could also happened if you have a backyard with small fence. Someone could call your dog , and if your pup loves humans, he can go to play with him and that`s it… Dog holding signs and waiting for owner was very inspiring message for me !
Please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook to prevent dogs to be stolen !