When this guy went to his car to go to work he was shocked. He wasn`t expecting to see the cat on the hood. The feline was not moving and was lying in the strangest position ever. His though was not so good.
The way feline was lying on the hood of his car was unusual. He decided to take a better look. He came close to the car. The fluff buddy was not moving yet. In that moment, the guy was feeling sorry for the poor creature.
However, he decided to touch the cat to see if is dead. And, you guess what? The cat suddenly opened her eyes and started moving slowly. The feline was surprised what is going on. She was having some nice dreams when someone interrupted her.
The guy was also shocked in very positive way. The little buddy was only sleeping. He was happy that his first thought was not true.
We know that cats love to sleep in strange places, but most importantly on warm places. If you have a cat , and you working on the lap top you know what comes next. The cat sits on your lap top, because it is warm.
So, this is a similar case. The hood of the car was perfect warm place for sleeping. The car hood was warm of the engine. So, there is no better place in the cold weather to sleep outside.
The guy told the cat in the video: ” Bro I need to go and could you get up from the car ” . And from the look of the cat at him you can guess that the cat is saying ,”why did u wake me?”
WATCH the cat sleeping on the hood of car VIDEO: