Adorable Kitty Saying ” YUM YUM ” While Eating. HILARIOUS Reaction
Well this hungry kitten simply doesn`t want to be bothered while eating. You know that little kittens are hungry all the time. And this kitty has the cutest meows ever. Maybe, in fact this kitten is not talking real, but it is meowing that sounds like that.
Probably, this kitty just want to eat alone, without his human watching him. Well, same as humans. We don`t want to be bothered while we enjoy our delicious food.
I know that a lot of you guys will say, what he is doing, the kitten is not talking, it is aggressive and warn his human to stay away. But, please don`t make drama. His owner love this kitten, that is obvious. Everyone who has or had a little kitten , knows that they are so cute when enjoying meal time. And we just want to look them while they are doing different things.
And no, the kitty isn’t aggressive or anything, that is just overprotective of its food. He could just be talkative. The guy taking the video is just talking to the little buddy. He’s not trying to take its food or even touching it.
Someone says that this cat is not saying yum, yum, yum ,but saying mine, mine, mine. Who knows 🙂
Watch this talking cat Video: