We know that cats in particular don`t love bath and water. Someone can say that cats clean themselves. Yes, that`s true. But, sometimes if your cat is really dirty, after playing outside, or something else, you have to bathe her.
In this case , this little kitty doesn`t knows how to properly clean itself, so its human must bath it. Luckily, this first bathe of this cute kitten was caught on camera.
Watch The Cute Video:
子猫 初めてのお風呂 いやにゃー!いやにゃー! (*´艸`*)Kitten enters the first bath. Myan(ΦωΦ)♪
その後のゆきにゃ♪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spAlB3YfdD8 ミルクタイムでお腹までデロデロでミルクまみれになったゆきちゃん。おかげで私のスカートまでべちゃべちゃ。臭くなる前にニャン生初のお風呂です。 Kitten has defiled fur in milk at lunchtime. Kitten, you need to take a bath. その後のゆきにゃ♪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spAlB3YfdD8
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