Cat Meets Robot Dinosaur For The First Time. This cute kitty called Maya meets her new toy: a robot dinosaur. At first she was scared and confused. She didn`t want to come near the toy. She was looking at it from a distance. The toy was moving and was a bit scary for this cute kitty.
But, as we know that cats love toys and playing with them, the cat began investigating this new strange toy. After some time she was less scared. And after some time she began playing with it. This kitty is really playful. She is very active and won`t just nap all day.
I love how this kitty decided to play with it after 02:25. The belly roll and her body language was so cute because she wanted to play and was less scared . Her human is really caring for her. She is trying to make her feel more comfortable.
However, it looks like this cat need another buddy – cat , to play with it. Maybe at the first they would be a bit insecure about each other , but after short time they will become best friends. This is the perfect solution for this kitty not to be lonely.
WATCH cat meets robot dinosaur for the first time VIDEO: