
Giant Rescue Leopard Has The Loudest Purring While Being Petted By His Rescuer

Giant Rescue Leopard Has The Loudest Purring While Being Petted By His Rescuer
Written by vlatkopets

Giant Rescue Leopard Has The Loudest Purring While Being Petted By His Rescuer. Big cats are very similar to domestic and stray cats. Maybe, they are bigger and scarier they appreciate when being rescued. They live in the wild, but sometimes they need our help to survive. Some of them was living in homes as pets. We never support keeping them as pets. Wild animals should never be pets.

We have a heartwarming story about this rescue leopard. He is a rescue animal, an African spotted leopard. He came to this facility at the age of 5 months. This best the best thing that could happened to him. He was rescued and has a place to call a home.

He was bought at three months of age by a private couple from a breeder with the intention of making him a house pet. They already have Rottweiler dogs and they thought they would play all day. This big cat was declawed on all paws, but still overpowered his new owners and he was very aggressive and rough to keep. So they decided to bring him to this center.

He is living here for 13 years. He simply love this place. This is his home. And he loves the humans caring for him. And maybe it sound strange but his favorite thing is petting. He simply loves to be near his humans. They also love him a lot.

Just look at this video of petting a giant leopard. He is just our domestic cats. He is purring while being petted by his rescuer. That is the loudest purring I`ve ever heard. This has got to be one of the most gorgeous animals I have ever seen. The staff here is doing a great job caring for this wild animals.

WATCH giant rescue leopard had the loudest purring VIDEO:

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