
This Kitty Is Waking Up His Owners Every Morning at 5:00 With This Trick

This Kitty Is Waking Up His Owners Every Morning at 5:00 With This Trick
Written by vlatkopets

This Kitty Is Waking Up His Owners Every Morning at 5:00 With This Trick. This guy did an amazing job to set his alarm clock at 5:00 every morning. You know how hard is to wake up early and to prepare for the job. You probably press the snooze button so many times. And sometimes you even continue to sleep and you are late to work.

But, this cat daddy is never late at work. He simply has the best alarm clock in the world. It is fascinating how his kitty does this every morning in the same time. This is something very interesting. You would all like to have this kitty. Cats love the sound of a vibrating door-stop.

I would simply love to have an amazing alarm clock like that. I am a heavy sleeper and my alarm clocks  had never woke me up, even though they woke up every family member who woke me up to turn them off, but that doesn’t count. This guy must be very lucky to have such an effective alarm clock and such a loyal and good friend.

This kitty would love to sleep in the bed with his human.  You can noticed that he tries everything to open the door. And when he didn`t succeed he continue playing with the door. And with that noise you can`t stay in your bed.

This cat called Boo has the very bad habit of messing with the door stop to wake his owners up early in the morning. He doesn’t do that because he’s hungry, he does that only because he feels lonely during the night. When he flicks the door stop it scares his humans and they wake up right away.

WATCH This Kitty Is Waking Up His Owners Every Morning at 5:00 With This Trick VIDEO:

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