Therapy Cat Cheers Up Patients In The Intensive Care Unit. Today we have some heartwarming story about a therapy cat who is the best at his job. In this hospital there a lot of old patients on intensive care unit. There they need a special care to improve their health. They are not just ordinary patients.
They need extra care. Their improvement depends on many factors. For older patients it is more difficult to cured. They are very weak. They need something more to cheer up their days in the hospital. We know that stating in hospital is very hard for everyone.
Sometimes they must be there for long time. This hospital decided to make them feel more comfortable. And what is best to improve your mood and make your day more interesting in hospital ? Well, you guess a cat. Yes , cats know and feel when you are in not so good health shape.
They simply sense that, and they will do anything to make you happy. If you have a cat in your home, you know that every time you feel sad, they will come to you and try to make you happy. They are the best creatures.
So, this hospital decided to ask for help this specialist – a therapy cat. The results were astonishing. The cat did a great job. She is never tired to help her friends. She is happy with patients. And you have to see the reaction of them.
They are so happy with the cat. Their mood simply is improved after spending some time with this amazing kitty. The reaction of everyone in the hospital is positive. Everyone loves the cat. Not just the patients, but also staff working there.
WATCH the therapy cat cheers up patients in the intensive care unit VIDEO: