
Rescued Kitten Covered in Fleas Taking a First Bath. Heartwarming VIDEO !

Rescued Kitten Covered in Fleas Taking a First Bath. Heartwarming VIDEO !
Written by vlatkopets

Rescued Kitten Covered in Fleas Taking a First Bath. Heartwarming VIDEO !

This kitten was rescued with fleas covered. Poor little kitten. We are so sorry for him. This kind human bathed him and he was really enjoy this. It was so heartwarming to see a kitten taking its first bath.

We will show you some tips for bathing a kitten with fleas in your home. Important notice: It is best to take the kitten to the vet, but if you can`t afford that do these tips to save a rescued kitten`s life.

Rescued Kitten Covered in Fleas Taking a First Bath. Heartwarming VIDEO !

If you found a small kittens that have a bad flea infestation, you should always use a small dish of rubbing alcohol to drop the fleas into,  after giving  the kitten a “flea-dip” [medicated  flea shampoo].

This special shampoo and the water immobilize the fleas for a very short time, allowing the fleas to be taken off the kitten. Then a good towel drying comes next!

Or you could use Apple cider vinegar if you don’t feel safe to use alcohol and it’ll get rid of ticks and fleas real quick. Fleas, lice, worms, tics and stuff like that, basically EVERY parasite, is the worst thing on the planet.

Unfortunately, this little buddy called ” Big Day ” didn’t make it from the virus, but he had the most wonderful bath in his life (you can see that from his eyes) . Poor sweet baby!  At least he was shown love and care from all of you.

This story and a video is specially dedicated for this poor little buddy. We will never forget you. We want to save all lonely kittens in the world. And we should continue trying to save as much as possible. Because every life matters !

WATCH the rescued kitten covered in fleas taking a first bath VIDEO:

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