Rescued Cute Abandoned Kittens , Feel Love For The First Time !
These young ladies were walking in their neighborhood when they noticed a card box. As they were coming close to the box they heard some desperate meowing. They were shocked when they noticed a little kittens abandoned.
They were crying for help. They were lonely without their mom. No food , no water. Luckily, they were rescued in the last moment. Kittens were left in card box in the roadside. Cars were speeding near them. Luckily, they decided to bring them home.
How is it possible for someone to abandoned such wonderful kitties like that. Like if you can’t take care of them at least take them to a shelter or ask some friend if they want to take them in/adopt them. Just don’t leave them on a dangerous roadside in a cardboard box.
They don’t even have food and can barely care for themselves. Roads are very dangerous for little kittens. They can jump out of the box, and they could be hit be speeding car. This is so irresponsible.
Some people need to use their minds a little cause what’s the point of having a brain and being able to think if you don’t use it to think when it comes to situations like this.
This almost makes me cry, they’re so young, wet and hungry .Thanks for taking care of those little angels. Fortunately, these kittens were rescued in the last moment. They were very scared. But, after some time healed completely.
They suffered trauma , but now they are doing very well. They have a nice, warm and safe home. They can enjoy life. They love to play all day long. What a happy ending rescue story. Faith in humanity restored. Just look how cute are they. Just amazing.
WATCH the rescued cute abandoned kittens VIDEO: