
Human, If You Stop Brushing Me, I Will Attack You! Strange Meowing !

Human, If You Stop Brushing Me, I Will Attack You! Strange Meowing !
Written by vlatkopets

Human, If You Stop Brushing Me, I Will Attack You! Strange Meowing !

This human was taking care of his kitty every day. Feeding the kitty, playing with her, cleaning the litter box. And of course, the best part for the cat is brushing. Some enjoy, but other not. We can`t find out if this kitty likes it or not.

But, we think that the cat in fact was enjoying brushing time. It looks like she was giving permission to the human to brush her. And she didn`t want to stop this pleasure time. The cat is having a perfect relaxation time.

Human, If You Stop Brushing Me, I Will Attack You! Strange Meowing !

Just sitting down and relaxing. Is there anything better than that? We don`t think so. But, something strange happened when the human was brushing her . The kitty was meowing in very unusual way. You have to listen to that.

It is a bit scary to listen this kitty meowing. Who knows what she was talking about. It was a bit frightening. Some can say that she didn`t want the brushing, but if that was true she would run. And she stays in that place.

I never heard this kind of meowing. It looks like she is talking on some alien language. Probably, she is just saying: Human, please don`t stop, or something bad could happen to you. 🙂 Well the human was also confused of this unusual meowing.

But, it is better to not stop doing that. Who knows what could happen if he stop 🙂 But, this is their daily routine. After this the kitty will have a nice fur. This kitty is wonderful. Just look at that fur, amazing. You have to see his cat for yourself.

WATCH this if you stop brushing me I will attack you VIDEO:

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