Brave Cat Kisses a Tiger And Walks Away. Unbelievable Video !
This is one incredible story and a video of two animals. One is bigger and a bit scary – great tiger, and other is much smaller – cute cat. This is a real proof that animals don`t know for boundaries between species.
Maybe it looks strange but these are domestic animals. In some parts of the world is normal and legal to keep tiger as pet. And this great animal lover is taking a great care of his animals. He is caring for them since their birth.
It is amazing to see different animals live together. Tigers in fact are very intelligent animals, they just don’t brutally attack anything that moves. Often people who end up being killed by their pet is because they abuse or neglected their tiger, which is what really makes them dangerous.
Tigers can sense if you can really love or don’t care about them. If you want a tiger it better be your favorite animal in the world, because as you can see they are very calm when they form a bond with their owner and the other pets.
We are fascinating of this video. This cute kitty decided to kiss her friend tiger and then just like that walks away. They are together since they were babies. So, they know each other a lot. They play together all the time.
This is the cutest thing I`ve seen in a long time. You have to see it for yourself. This video i just amazing. At first I was a bit scared, but then I realized these animals are best friends, and they were playing and sleeping together since young age.
WATCH the brave cat kisses a tiger and walks away VIDEO:
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