Hilarious Cat`s Reaction When Her Human Said That is Enough Playing For Today
If you live in a house or in apartment and you have a cat you should let your kitty to play outside. They can`t stay inside all the time. They need fresh air , and enjoying the sun outside. When you let your kitty to play outside in the garden , you know that she is happy.
She would run all around the garden and play with the grass and other things. They just love being outside. They enjoy their free time. They usually catch some little insects.
But, when is time to came back inside the house the real struggle begins. They will try everything to prolong the time to enter inside. They are so happy playing in the garden and won`t go inside.
The same happens with the owner of this kitty in the video. He let his kitty playing , but when was time for coming inside, his kitty began acting very strange. She was talking in silly language to her human. She was even arguing with him.
The kitty was probably trying to explained that the playing time is not finished. It`s not time for going home. Just few hours more. Inside is very boring. We can only guess what the cat was talking to her human. It looks like this conversation is not going so well for the human.
We don`t know what happened after the video end. Probably her human let her play few more minutes. However, this cat is very cute, no matter if she arguing with her human or not. Just look at that wonderful fur. Incredible kitty. You have to see this video for yourself.
WATCH the hilarious cat`s reaction when her human said enough playing for today VIDEO: