Cat Provoking and Punching a Peaceful Dog. The Dog`s Reaction Is Shocking !
We know that cats can`t stay on one place. They are very curious creatures. Sometimes they even make some mess and problems. But, they are just cats. In most of the time they are peaceful and want to cuddle.
Cats and dogs are not enemies. It`s not true the fact that the dogs are the bad ones. You can hear that people are saying that cats are afraid of dogs, and dogs often attacks felines. We don`t agree with this. Stray felines and dogs live on the streets together.
I mean yes, they live separate lives , and don`t have so much interaction. However, if they want to survive they try to not mess with each other. Plus, we have to say about the domestic pets .
Especially, if they live under one roof, I mean in one house , they are very used to each other. They love to play and nap together, and often cuddling. They protect each other.
However, in this video we can noticed something different. The puppy was relaxing peacefully, and not even think to mess with the kitty. But, the cat , probably bored, was provoking the dog.
The dog was not reacting on this provoking for some time. It even tried to ignore the cat. The conversation between them was going something like this :
Cat: Hey , Hello I have something to tell you! Dog: I don`t care, Cat: hey you hear me? I have something to say! Dog: I`m not interesting! Cat: hey ( kick, kick ), I will now punch you , Dog: You bastard ~ Do not run I want to talk to you. 🙂
We know that cats sometimes are really looking for trouble. But, they are so cute and they are just cats 🙂
WATCH the cat provoking and punching peaceful dog VIDEO:
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