Angry Cat Attacking Human For No Reason. Unbelievable !
We know that cats want to play with us. But, sometimes they can act very strange. These people had a guest in their home. However, the cat was not so happy to welcome this woman. And kitty decided to bite this woman.
However, it was obvious that this cat didn`t like her, though we cannot say that the attack was very aggressive . This kitty is the keeper of the home. In this case that wasn`t needed.
They were all laughing of the attacking cat. What was the reason of the attack we will never know. The kitty was dedicated to bite this woman, and won`t give up so easy.
Maybe she just wanted to play with this woman. Who knows. Probably the kitty wants to play running around the house. But, this old lady didn`t want to play. We think that this kitty just wanted some attention.
The women were having a conversation and nobody was paying attention to the kitty. Probably that is the reason for this ” attack ” . It looks like that the kitty didn`t have bad intentions. This is one cute cat, when sometimes have strange way of playing.
You have to see the video for yourself. I hope you will like it. Enjoy the funny attacking cat. But, we think that you have to teach a cats on good manners , when they are still young. After they grow up, you can`t change their behavior.
Probably, this kitty doesn`t mean that she is doing something wrong. But, they have to learn how to behave in good manner. Especially, if you have a domestic cat. It is very crucial to teach your cat what is good and what is bad.
WATCH the angry cat attacking human for no reason VIDEO:
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