Cat Using Toilet Like A Real Human. How Is This Possible ? Must Watch !
This cute cat is very smart and clean and uses the toilet to do all his needs. His name is Garfield and he is 14 years old . His birthday was the 25th of September. He is like a son to his family and he learned to use the toilet without help in the toilet. This was surprising for everyone.
I think he did it by imitation and then his human encouraged that behavior and taught him to do all his needs alone. He also bathes himself in the shower . He always want to be with his humans all the time and he does not like to be alone.
He sits next to her human. The one who has a cat or a pet for a long time knows how happy they are and why a family with cats is happy family . And cat is an important member. His wife, his daughter and he love Garfield a lot.
Garfield is one amazing cat. I`ve never ever seen a cat using a toilet like a real man. This cat doesn`t know about a litter box. That is unknown for him. It is very interesting that cats could learn to use toilet. This is very strange.
However, it is very interesting in the same time. This can save you a lot of time cleaning the litter box. I think every cat owner after watching this video would love to teach his/her cat to use the toilet by itself. And never again to clean after the cat.
But, that will not be so easy. It is very hard to teach the cats to use the toilet on daily basis. But, you have to try. But, you have to also teach your cat to push the water after using the toilet 🙂
WATCH the cat using toilet like a real human VIDEO: