The Most Dramatic Cat Will Stare Directly Into Your Soul. Just Unbelievable !
We think that we find one of the best videos on the internet. I mean cat videos. Well, in fact the cat videos are the best. They rule the internet 🙂 But, we know that fact, because it`s true. This video is one of the most interesting I`ve ever seen.
Human was filming his cat , thinking how cute is to caught him on camera watching TV. But, what happens next was unbelievable. He never thought that he will see this cat reaction. He was relaxing on the sofa, and his kitty was watching the TV.
How can anyone imagine that this cat can do that? Unfortunately, we don`t understand the language on the TV, and we can`t for sure what the kitty was watching. But, we know for sure, that was some shocking. yea, it must have been some shocking news.
All of sudden, the cat decided to turn back and to stare directly at his owner. Why was the reason for that we will never know. But, we can enjoy the video. This video has almost 30 million views. That`s a lot.
Probably everyone was shocked of the strange look of this cat. Well, it is a bit scary, we have to say that. It looks like the kitty was watching the TV , when she remembered that she forgot something important to do. Same as us humans.
It looks like : That moment when you forgot to learn for tomorrow`s  exam…. And you realized there is no time to learn.
The cat is probably super fluffy and that is why the collar looks like it’s choking the cat. it’s not choking it, I`m 99.9% sure of it. Don`t worry!:)
WATCH the most dramatic cat VIDEO: