
Kitten Hissing at His Human For No Reason And Then Jump Funnily

Kitten Began Hissing at His Human For No Reason And Then Jump Funnily
Written by vlatkopets

Kitten Hissing at His Human For No Reason And Then Jump Funnily

First we have to begin with a little explanation of this video ๐Ÿ™‚

His human was not imaging that the kitten would react like that. He thought the kitten was sleeping ย And when he noticed him hissing at the camera he just thought it was really cute and kept recording. I didn’t imagine he would jump in so funny way.

Kitten Began Hissing at His Human For No Reason And Then Jump Funnily

We recommend you to turn the volume down, because all you will hear is the sound of human dragging the camera. Well, his human decided he would record his kitten when he was sleeping, but stuff didn`t go pretty well. Haha.

The kitten decided it`s not a perfect time for video recording and thought it was best to start hissing at his human. But, the kitty forgot how many times he woken up his human ๐Ÿ™‚

Well the cute kitty was not even that frightened… He just freaked out because it surprised him and you can see that in fact he’s just curious about the camera, but because he probably never seen it before he didn`t wanted it too near.. This is not cruel, the cat wasn’t beaten, hit or anything… he seem obviously curious about it!!!!

And yeah, at the end of the video.. It was out of frame, but the kitten jumped off the bed in the most funniest way ever. So cute to watch. You have to see it for yourself. ย That last moment is the cutest in the whole video ๐Ÿ™‚ The way he jump , aww so cute.

Kitten : What the heck is that camera doing there ? Hmm, Maybe it will go away if I stare at it. Or even jump in the funniest way ever. Yes that will be enough ๐Ÿ™‚

WATCH kitten began hissing at his human VIDEO:

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