Incredible Kitty Hero Loses His Leg, But Then Did Something Amazing
His name is Tiger, he came to the vet clinic in terrible condition. His wounds were alarming, and they unfortunately couldn`t save his leg. He was about to die but he had a strong will to live, to do great and amazing things in his life.
This is a truly inspirational video of a brave cat that shows the incredible strength of felines. This was just heartbreaking and unbearable to watch…how did this happen to this beautiful little buddy..
Thanks for everyone who gave all to save tiger, you are amazing. Tiger looks so happy , I hope that’s his forever home, he has a big smile on his face.
Maybe, he lost his leg, but that will not stop him enjoying his life. And that will never stop him doing his favorite things, such as climbing. He is one amazing kitty and such a great warrior. This cat never gave up from precious life.
Nobody knows what was the cause of this unpleasant incident. Maybe some speeding car hit him. However, in the end he is very lucky to survive and will continue to fight for his life. Now , he got the full attention at the vet station. probably, from the vets speaking he got some terrible infection on his leg, and they had to remove his leg…
We hope that he will have a forever and safe home, and kind people to take care of him. He really deserves that. We hope all the best for this cat. You are a big hero kitty!
This broke my heart ,all I want to do was hold him and protect him so he was never hurt again. We hope that he will be safe.
WATCH this kitty hero loses his leg VIDEO: