In the United Stated cats and dogs are beloved domestic animals, treated like babies by their humans, and no one can even imagine that they can be used as meat in other parts of the world. While a lot of agree that these people should be treated farm animals like cows, chickens and pigs, in US culture, home animals and farm animals are treated totally differently. Opposite, on the other side of the Globe people eating cat and dog meat is very “normal”. Of course, this depends on the region, but in countries like South Korea, it is unfortunately still legal.
There are other place in the Globe, but, where folks occasionally eat animals, like cats, in illegal way and sell the meat of these poor creatures to their customers, without telling them that in fact is cat or dog meat. The last case is in Chennai, India where the police officers and animal activists had few inspections on street shops and street markets and what they found was shocking. Those sellers and traders were molesting, boiling the felines alive, and skinning the poor creatures for their meat. Large number of cats were in fact domestic pets
Luckily, the animal activist from the People for Animals (PFA) group and police succeed to rescue 16 cats in that investigation. The desperate feline will surely need time to get over the stress but luckily they are in safe place now.
These raids should be more often and there is urgent need of law to protect these poor and helpless animals. They should be pet and cared and never used as meat. We, the animal lovers are strongly against animal abuse and will fight in any possible way to protect them.
Watch The video of the rescue operation where cats were saved from being sold as meat:
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source: One Green Planet