In cold winter days wonderful kitten was found with her tiny foot frozen to the ground. Regardless of the freezing temperatures she wasn`t give up. But, her surviving story was not easy. Luckily for the cat rescue team was on the way.
Within four hours of finding out about the harmed kitty, Finding Hope Animal Rescue Team and Baby Gia`s Rescue went on the scene and worked very hard together to save the kitten`s life. They organized transport to the nearest vet.
Thanks to the kind people who found the kitten and to the rescue time who tried everything to save her.
They called him Chilli. Even thought the kitten went through special medical care, Chilli still lost a couple of toes and small part of her tail.
The most important thing is that this kitten was found and rescued and now is recovering very well at the vet. Chilli will recover fully very soon. This kitten deserves better life, permanent home and happy family to care for her.
Engaging and heartwarming story. I was deeply touched. Chilli is such a wonderful kitty.
Please help animals when they need you, if you want to keep a safe distance, then just call animal rescue shelters until they can get proper help.
Watch the rescuing video of this frozen kitten:
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