
The Joy When This Man is Loved by a Rescue Cat

The Joy When This Man is Loved by a Rescue Cat
Written by vlatkopets

This is the happiness when a human is loved by a rescue feline. It’s the most cutest thing.


Halim Amori, a medical student in Italy, was living with a roommate at the time when a cat named Mia came into their lives. “My friend one day return back home and told me he found a kitten,” he said.

They began caring for the tiny rescue kitty and soon they became best buddies. “Every time at 12 o’clock… my roommate would go to bed, I would be out there, playing with Mia.”

A few months after they met, Mia got used to their night playtime and would be waiting at the kitchen at midnight for her buddy every day without break.

They also loved chilling on the sofa together. “I would sit there watching her napping (in my lap)… She is cute,” he said.

Watch the full video here:

His roommate moved out to study in a different city and took the cat with him. Unfortunately, he is not able to visit his kitty friend, but he truly believes she’s doing well.

Amori misses his old buddy but is happy that she’s with her sweet permanent human who rescued her so they could have so many amazing times together. “Now I have these cute videos , and people are loving (them)!”

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