A young lady went out of her car in the middle of a busy street to rescue a little lost kitty who could barely see.
A tiny kitty was trapped in the middle of the dangerous road. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t know where she was going. A young lady noticed the kitty, immediately stopped her vehicle and rushed to get the kitty to safety.
“She was crossing the street (4 lanes), her eyes were closed… When I first took her up in the middle of the road, she had a cough, fleas and flu,” Nessa said. “But she had a strong desire to survive.”
In the following weeks, she nursed the tiny kitty back to health. The kitten now named Ramona can’t see very well through her right eye, but the cute kitty is loved, happy and most importantly healthy.
“This is the best decision in my life!” Nessa added.
They introduce her to a little buddy to cuddle with while she was getting treatment for her eyes.
She loves to nap in her human dad’s arms.
“Fascinating how she realized I was upset and immediately came to cuddle with me,” Nessa said.
All grown up now, she is a little cross-eyed.
She loves to help her humans with their groceries.
…and keep them company when they work.
Ramona and her favorite tunnel!
“Someone said food?”
“Give me now!”
This is how Ramona wakes up her humans every morning.
It’s hard to believe she’s the same kitten they rescued from the dangerous road.
Share this amazing rescue story with your friends. Follow Ramona on Instagram.