
Cat Hasn’t Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans
Written by vlatkopets

This ginger kitty hasn’t stopped smiling since the day she found her forever home.

Meet Rey!

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

Before Rey found her permanent humans, she was in the shelter center at the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah, waiting for a chance at a sweet and safe home along with other kittens just like her.

“Little Rey began her life journey at our Best Friends Kitten Nursery right here in Salt Lake City. After that she moved on to a nice foster home to put on a several ounces,” Best Friends Animal Society said. When she was old enough she foster home, and went to the adoption center, waiting some nice human would spotted her.

Rey was a very shy at the Kitten Nursery, but everything changed when she found her new permanent humans.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

“I wasn’t looking for a kitty at all (we already have two!) but just made a short stop by the shelter on my way home from work and noticed this tiny kitten and was instantly attached to her!” Rey’s human, Jenni Colborn, told Love Meow.

Little Rey came to her human, smiling at her, then came on her lap. The kitten claimed her human, and Rey adopted her.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

When Rey is joyful, she shows it with a happy paws and a great smile on her face.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

Even when she sleeps, she has a smile on her face.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

She smiles when the dinner is ready!

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

After a little food, she continues to smile.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

When she’s with her mama, she’s the luckiest kitten in the world.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

Rey is the queen of the home.

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

It’s hard not to smile along seeing this happy face!

Cat Hasn't Stop Smiling Since She Found Her Forever Humans

When Rey wants attention, she asks it with a smile.

What a cute face.

Share the cute! Follow Rey on Instagram @coen.ava.rey and Facebook.


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