A big guy found a little kitty while he was looking at an estate. “So I think I’m a mom, now,” Oklahoma Hoss said.
He shares the story: “The property just had a heavy rain the night before and the ground was muddy. As we’re standing on what I think is the floor of a deck that was going to be made, she asks me if I heard some noises. I said no, but I wasn`t 100 sure.
I went to investigate better around the house and when I return back she’s holding what think is a wet sock.
I went there and see that it’s a baby kitty, barely moving. It’s cold, wet covered in dirt and (later we found small maggots while cleaning her up. Luckily, it doesn’t seem that were harming her. Judging by the odor, I’m thinking her mama and other kitty siblings must have met an unlucky end before we got there, and had we not, she’d have been quick to follow).
We immediately took her, and drove to the nearest Kroger and bought a can of cat formula and a bottle, (we’ve already been in this situation before, and the tiny kitty from before is now a 3-year-old gray cat that we love).
We took the baby at our home, get the formula in the bottle, warm it up and wash the kitty.
She/or he is quite a little fighter. She’s sleeping very well, eating well and seems to be getting stronger and putting on weight.
I’ve noticed something to look like a birth defect. Her back right foot is much larger than the other, as though it’s swollen or a birth defect. But it doesn’t seem to slow her down or stop her to climb all over me.”
Kitten has learned to use the bottle!
WATCH VIDEO: Tiny kitty being comforted after the rescue
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