This weird souvenir shocked the World.
Vendors in China have been selling key chains with live animals trapped inside for years: small plastic bubbles containing trapped frogs, salamanders, fish and turtles.
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CNN first stated on them in 2010. The little helpless animals are suspended in brightly colored liquid, commonly along with beads and other decorations, and don`t have space to move.
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The water seemingly contains oxygen and nutrients that can keep them in life only for several days.
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Of course, animal activists have proclaimed the key chains as extremely cruel, because the animals surely die when their oxygen wears off.
In the best case scenario, they’re freed from their prisons and end up as pets to people who don`t know how to properly care for them.
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There’s also the psychological cruelty of putting a helpless animal in a living grave.
This video shows a little turtle trying desperately to escape — but unfortunately there’s no way out.
Unluckily it’s not the first time animals have been parts of strange fashion trends. In South America, living beetles are covered in gems and worn as brooches.
You can watch a video of the desperate tiny key chain animals below.