
Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn’t Let Anything Slow Him Down

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down
Written by vlatkopets

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn’t Let Anything Slow Him Down

A stray cat gave birth to several  kitties, but one of them whose front legs never fully developed, didn’t run as fast as his siblings, but he immediately won over his rescuers’ hearts.

Meet Mouse the cat!

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

Mouse was born as a feral kitty. He was brought into the Best Friends Kitten Nursery in Salt Lake City along with his mom and siblings.

“The volunteers were able to tame him down enough at the kitty nursery,” Barbara Williamson of Best Friends Animal Society told Love Meow.

Soon they found that Mouse was not only a little wild, he had a congenital deformity. “His front legs were not developing properly. So, Mouse was placed into foster care.”

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

As soon as Mouse arrived to his new foster home, he fit in almost instantly. The little kitty started to snuggle with the resident cat, and they immediately discovered his cute nature and amazing personality. All it need was a little bit of love, and he reciprocated in cuddles and purrs.

“He soon showed that he was an adventurous and brave little kitty – and admitted he liked being a house cat. Strong, healthy and at ease around others.”

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

He has the cutest little meow. [Scroll down for video]

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

Mouse soon caught up in strength and speed with his siblings despite having shorter front legs. He wasn’t going to let his deformity slow him in any way.

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

When it was time for him to find his permanent home, a cute couple fell for this amazing guy.

“Mouse was adopted by Curtis and Lana Crichton who fell in love with him at the Salt Lake Pet Adoption Center. Now this cute little kitty is one happy and very loved kitty.”

Mouse knew right away he was home!

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

He got a new name: Smalls.

Today, Smalls is as energetic as he can be. His humans love him a lot.

Feral Kitten Born with Shorter Legs Than His Siblings Doesn't Let Anything Slow Him Down

Watch the full story in this video:

What a second chance can do! Share his story and help kittens like Smalls find their forever loving homes!


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