Cat Sees A Gray Blob In The Water. Now Watch His Reaction As He Realized What It Is…
Animals also have friends. They have other animals that they like to chill with, which is what we think characterize friendships. Most people think that in order for animals to be buddies, they need to be the same species.
Cats are very curious animals. Maybe it looks like they don`t need friends, but when they find someone who interests them, they want to be buddies with them! This smart cute cat made friends with a dolphin that was close to his dock.
In the video below, you can see the kitten nuzzling the dolphin. He gives the dolphin a several good head-butts as well, which means he’s giving a permission to the dolphin to be part of his group. Has your cat ever make friends with another species before?
Please SHARE these new best buddies with all of your friends and family!