With only a little bit of petting and great love, this street kitten’s life was changed scientifically in better forever!
“Zaak and I found this lovely little kitten in the middle of the road when we were coming back from our regular bike ride today. I muted the beginning of the video because we were crying a lot. We thought we were going about to watch her slowly dying in pain,” Gloraeanna said.
Once Zaak started petting the kitten, things start to change…
“We sat with her for about 10 minutes until we decided to move her to the safe side of the road. We waited but she only seemed to feel better, so we took her home and cleaned her very well,” she said.
The kitty responded very well up after being petted. She even begun meowing and purring like a kitten would. The difference it made in such a short period of time was amazing.
They taught the little kitty to drink from a bottle.
Watch the full video here:
They are caring for the kitten every day, and she is healing and getting stronger day by day. They even brought her a new friend to cuddle with.
Update: Snuggling with her best friend 🙂
If there are more people in the World like Gloraeanna and Zaak, our World will be better place to live for all of us, and mostly better for those who needed support the most. Little kittens cannot take proper care of themselves without our support. We must care for little kitties. We have to spread love. This must be our main goal and we must to try everything that we can to achieve this goal.
What love can do! Don`t Forget To Share this amazing rescue story with your friends and family!